Wednesday, 16 March 2011

10th February media lesson - what we learned

During this lesson we went over to Bentley Road to start filming for our thriller project, and we took a lot of footage on this particular day so that we would have a lot of different shots to use in our thriller.
However, when you are doing a lot of filming in one day it is easy to get too ambitious and try to finish every shot right up to the end of the thriller for the sake of getting as much as you can get finished, so it is very important to make sure that when you actually do your filming for that day that you've actually saved enough time for you and your group to get back to college in time and carefully consider what shots you might need to take during your next filming session if there are any that you've missed.
All in all, from this filming session we learned that it is important not to go overboard trying to film a ridiculously large amount of footage if the group puts itself at risk of getting back to college to upload the footage, as this can make the whole group suffer as a result.

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